Grist: Santorum vs. Romney — The climate is screwed either way

Yes! Apparently Santorum would drill in the Everglades.

Grist’s Lisa Hymas writes:

…Mitt Romney has expressed qualified concern about climate change over the years, and then vacillated about how much of it is human-caused and whether we should try to do anything about it.

No wobbling of that sort from Santorum — he’s an out-and-out denier. “There is no such thing as global warming,” he told a smiling Glenn Beck on Fox News in June 2011. That same month, he told Rush Limbaugh that climate change is a liberal conspiracy: “It’s just an excuse for more government control of your life and I’ve never been for any scheme or even accepted the junk science behind the whole narrative”…

But Santorum’s an equal-opportunity fossil-fuel lover. “Drill everywhere” is his philosophy when it comes to oil, he told Beck. (Romney, by contrast, seems to have merely a drill-almost-everywhere philosophy, as he would exempt the Florida Everglades.)…

Sounds good to us.

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