EPA pushed State Dept. to consider tar sands CO2 emissions for Keystone XL decision

A rational that could be used to shutdown any fossil fuel development project.

Postmedia news reports,

…But the EPA’s top officials said in separate letters that the U.S. government should factor in the entire footprint of oilsands pollution in the decision since it affects its own citizens as well as the rest of the world.

“Given that the possible consequences of greenhouse gas emissions are global in nature, they include potential impacts on the United States, and we believe it is appropriate that the State Department consider these upstream greenhouse gas emissions in its evaluation,” EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson wrote on Dec. 7, 2010 in response to a letter from Doer.

Doer had told Jackson in a Nov. 3, 2010, letter that Canadian government officials were “concerned with the EPA’s recommendation that extraction-related GHG emissions in Canada” be included in the environmental assessment of the pipeline project…

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