Emanuel fails to disclose conflict of interest in latest paper — Update #1

Nature responds to our inquiry.

We received the following e-mail from Nature in response to our inquiry concerning the seeming failure of MIT’s Kerry Emanuel to disclose his insurance company affiliations in a recent study as would seem to be required by Nature’s guidelines:

Dear Mr Milloy,

Thank you very much for your email and for alerting us about Kerry Emanuel’s potential financial conflict of interest in the paper “The impact of climate change on global tropical cyclone damage”. We take these issues very seriously and we will make soon enquiries about it.

Kind regards,
Monica Contestabile
Senior Editor

We will keep you posted.

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4 thoughts on “Emanuel fails to disclose conflict of interest in latest paper — Update #1”

  1. I agree with Gene. Nature is just another fraudulent journal like un-scientific american. They destroyed their credibility years ago with the un-ending and un-founded AGW alarmism.

  2. “We take these issues very seriously and we will make soon enquiries about it.”

    It’s like saying “we take the issue of our basement flooding very seriously and we will soon pump”. If it’s serious, what’s the point of enquiring (whatever it means, particuliarly from Nature on AGW matters) “soon” and not NOW ?

  3. Sounds to me like “lip service” on the part of Nature magazine…They are not really concerned about the veracity of the article as long as it supports their opinions..

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