Canada: Climate skeptics gathering influence in Tory Senate seats

This is much needed to bolster PM Stephen Harper.

PostMedia News reports:

Some of Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s newly-appointed senators are emerging as global-warming skeptics in the wake of aggressive government positions to abandon the Kyoto Protocol, slam environmentalists and downplay potential damage caused by Canadian oil and gas exploration.

“I felt like it is kind of an insult to be a denier for a long time,” said Sen. Bert Brown, last month at a parliamentary committee studying energy policies. “It feels pretty good this morning”…

Read the entire PostMedia News article.

4 thoughts on “Canada: Climate skeptics gathering influence in Tory Senate seats”

  1. Methinks Canada has more guts than the US, and with Mitt and Gingrich waffling on global warming, it’s too early to forecast hope for the US.

  2. It is time, that the Conservative government in Britain follows suit and we here in Australia have to wait until we can kick out the Socialists who are cronies of the Green Party. That will be next year.
    Can’t wait that long! Hope also, that the Republicans will have the will-power and spine to do the same in november of this year and kick out Obama and abolish the U.S. EPA..

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