Climategate’s ‘FOIA’ Identified!

Our hero is found. “I’m FOIA”™.

Explanatory Note for the Climategate-Impaired: “FOIA” is how the Climategate leaker is called. The UK police and Justice Department are in a manhunt for “FOIA.” FOIA is the acronym for “Freedom of Information Act,” which allows the public access to government documents upon request. It has been hypothesized that the Climategate controversy was ignited by a FOIA request to the University of East Anglia for data related to the hockey stick.

Show your solidarity with “FOIA” in 100% cotton. Only $25.00 (no additional shipping charges!) at the Store. Click to purchase and support

26 thoughts on “Climategate’s ‘FOIA’ Identified!”

  1. So “shooter” posts a post that asserts that “climategate” was debunked by the very same people who were part of the hoax. Is that circular reasoning or some other fallacy? I can’t keep them straight.

  2. What do you expect? That the authorities will crucify us? That’ll never happen (at least in an election year).

    The only truly reliable legal form of execution available to the authorities is abortion.

    Maybe later, the Obamacare death panels.

  3. Climategate the Movie: No actual climates were injured during the filming of this movie.

    I’m FOIA

  4. Capitalist Pig*

    *excepting the portion of the profits set aside for Foia’s legal defense fund…..

    btw, I’m FOIA™, and I approve this message.

  5. Nope, Tony Curtis and Kirk Douglas fought each other to see who would be crucified, each wanting to spare the other the horrific death. Kirk won the fight.

  6. Have you ever heard of finding out yourself.
    Try c&p FOIA into google
    For meaning of c&p …ditto
    Ditto…. try

  7. It was a Spartacus spoof. 🙁
    Anyway, I hope our story ends on a happier note that theirs. Crassus crucified them to a man.

  8. “FOIA” is all those who love truth and freedom and despise being lied to and manipulated for others personal gain.

  9. Could you summarize for those who cannot see it?

    This had better not be a Spartacus spoof.

  10. “FOIA” is how the Climategate leaker is called. The UK police and Justice Department are in a manhunt for “FOIA.” FOIA is the acronym for “Freedom of Information Act,” which allows the public access to government documents upon request. It has been hypothesized that the Climategate controversy was ignited by a FOIA request to the University of East Anglia for data related to the hockey stick.

  11. May be if you tell us “outsiders” what “FOIA” stands for, then we might respond. Don’t try to be too cute with acronyms; that’s what the opposition does.

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