Earn $500 in JunkScience.com’s Himalayan Glacier Melt Challenge

Glacier-hard cash in your pocket… all you have to do is attend a movie screening, ask a question and send us a video.

On Monday, Jan. 9, 2012 at 9:00am, the State Department will screen the UN documentary, “Revealed Himalyan Meltdown“:

The trailer says that the Himalayan glaciers:

… contain 40% of the world’s freshwater [and are] disappearing one drop at a time.

So we calculate that there are approximately 3 x 1023 drops of freshwater in the Himalayan glaciers.

We will pay $500 to anyone who submits a video of themselves attending the State Department event and asking either the question:

How long will it take for the 3 x 1023 drops of water in the Himalayan glaciers to disappear?

… or some similar question that aims to debunk the notion that global warming is causing the Himalayan glaciers to “disappear.”

The State Department invite is below. You must RSVP to get in.

For background, check out Christopher Booker’s “Pachauri: the real story behind the Glaciergate scandal.”

Good luck!


To pre-register, e-mail Melissa Dymek by Thursday, Jan. 5, at

On Jan. 9, Maria Otero, Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs &
Democracy, will bring together an expert panel to discuss the impacts of
Himalayan glacier melt and identify important opportunities for
mitigation, adaptation, and regional cooperation. The proceedings will
open with a screening of the documentary “Revealed: Himalayan Meltdown,”
co-produced by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),
Arrowhead Films, & Discovery Channel Asia.

A panel discussion will follow with Dr. Kerri-Ann Jones, U.S. Assistant
Secretary of State for Oceans & International Environmental & Scientific
Affairs (Moderator); Geoffrey R. Pyatt, Principal Deputy Assistant
Secretary of State for South & Central Asian Affairs; Dr. Ajay Chhibber,
United Nations Assistant Secretary General and UNDP Regional Director
for Asia & the Pacific; and Dr. Alton Byers, Director of Science &
Exploration, the Mountain Institute.

The melting of glaciers on the Tibetan Plateau and across the Himalayan
mountain range is among the greatest environmental security threats
facing Asia today, affecting communities across the Tibetan Plateau,
Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, and China. Unprecedented variability
of water flow is altering agricultural growing seasons, regional food
security, livelihoods, and culture, without regard to national
boundaries. The film examines how the shrinking Himalayan glaciers and
rising sea levels are affecting people across Asia and compares
strategies developed and implemented by different countries. The Forum
will address the multitude of approaches under development as well as
the needs for regional cooperation and information-sharing.

Watch a film trailer

8 thoughts on “Earn $500 in JunkScience.com’s Himalayan Glacier Melt Challenge”

  1. Global Warming is not a misnomer. It is a subset of Climate Change as is Global Cooling.

  2. I guess someone should ask when the rivers started flowing, and if they are flowing faster and faster as the so-called melt is increasing….from what I gather, those rivers just started about 20 or 30 years ago..( sarc )
    those rivers have been flowing since the end of the last ice age, and no doubt eventually the glaciers will melt…and the riverds will slow down…or stop..look at the Sahara desert, wasn’t it a lush grass land when the pyramids were there ?..Hey,,,newsflash….climate changes, thankfully it is getting warm to the tune of about 1 degree a century, to give us time to adapt, and not cold like that global cooling scare I remember so well in the late 70’s…and for the supposed same reason…

  3. “Global warming” is a misnomer. It’s actually climate change, which is happening and has always been happening. Though, it seems ridiculous to suggest that we haven’t had some part in speeding it up.

  4. Like I said before, I grew up in Racine/Kenosha counties Wisconsin where the Wisconsionian glaciar ended. We have roilling hills, kettles, drumlins, morraines and an occasional mastedon being dug up there. The glacier melted from the corner of present day Wisconsin back to where the ice is at the current arctic circle. That is around 2000 miles. Why did it get that far south, why did it melt to where it is today. I still say the reason we have zero degrees magnetic declination from there back to the poie is because it follows the old glacial path.

  5. ‘Of course there will always be drops of water flowing from the Himalayan range. Have you ever heard of the Asian Monsoon, winter snow, precipitation in the South Asian region?’

    well done Mr McCormick, you earn the $500

  6. The movie trailer said the glaciers were “disappearing”. Their description, not mine.

  7. Steve, what an embarrassingly stupid question you have posed to some unwitting attendee at the UNDP event at State on Monday.

    Of course there will always be drops of water flowing from the Himalayan range. Have you ever heard of the Asian Monsoon, winter snow, precipitation in the South Asian region?

    Get a real job Steve and stop pissing your time away.

    John McCormick

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