WashPost: Agenda 21 opponents are racists

Like ships to a navy, the racist tag is a basic weapon of the American left.

In today’s Washington Post article attempting to defuse the specter of the United Nations’ Agenda 21 over a land use/climate change controversy in the Virginia Tidewater region, the Post implicitly labels Agenda 21 opponents as racists:

… The ultra-conservative John Birch Society cautions adherents through its Web site that the “Agenda 21 program may already be in your local community, through your home town or city’s membership in . . . Local Governments for Sustainability”…

Though the JBS has never been a racist group, “racist” is the left’s favorite smear of the group. So the take-home message for the casual reader is that racists oppose Agenda 21 — that is, according to the Post, if Agenda 21 even exists.

Read Part 1 of this 2-part series in which the left tries to pretend that Agenda 21 doesn’t exist.

3 thoughts on “WashPost: Agenda 21 opponents are racists”

  1. I have to agree with Edgar, we in Australia also get a lot of the racist accusation, especially if we oppose the left-wing loonies.

  2. ” … the racist tag is a basic weapon of the American left.” No, it isn’t – it is a basic weapon of the Left worldwide. We get plenty of that ‘racist’ shit in Europe, too, and Australia is far from immune to it.

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