Scotland 100% renewable by 2020?

… and Nessie will be hosting her own TV show, too.

The Scotsman reports,

… A report from Reform Scotland said that the nation could become a “world-leader” in trading green energy if it switched from nuclear power to renewables such as wind and sea power to generate electricity.

The report also said the Scottish Government should shut all nuclear power stations north of the Border and instead become the biggest exporter of low-carbon electricity in Europe.

However, the demands for full energy powers to be completely devolved from Westminster were questioned by Labour MP Tom Greatrex, who said the report failed to explain how Scotland would produce enough renewables with the “substantial subsidy” he said it received from the UK.

The row came just days after a report from multinational firm Citigroup said payments from the UK’s 27 million households and 4.5 million business consumers to help subsidise Scotland’s renewable power stations would end under independence.

But Reform Scotland said the SNP government’s flagship policy target of reaching a 100 per cent renewable target by 2020 meant it was a “realistic possibility” that the economy could earn £2 billion a year exporting electricity…

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