Obama a ‘denier’, says Green Party presidential candidate

We know deniers and we can tell you that President Obama is no denier.

Green Party Presidential Candidate Jill Stein says,

President Obama professes to believe in science. He knows that America and the world is rapidly rushing to the catastrophic financial and environmental impacts of climate change, and yet he joins the deniers in blocking action to save our children’s future.

Current levels of fossil fuel use are already heading us toward indisputably catastrophic levels of global warming.Yet with emissions rising faster and faster every year, the Obama Administration has shockingly pushed an agreement to do nothing before 2020, ensuring that the critical time window for saving the climate will be missed. That the White House is responsible for this is unforgivable. [Emphasis added]

To the extent that Jill Stein can peel off votes for Obama (like Nader did to Gore), we encourage donations to her cause.

2 thoughts on “Obama a ‘denier’, says Green Party presidential candidate”

  1. “To the extent that Jill Stein can peel off votes for Obama (like Nader did to Gore), we encourage donations to her cause.” That is shamelessly cynical. I did not know how low you can stoop. What is the address of her campaign headquarters?

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