Kudlow: Obama Policies Seem Calculated To Kill Jobs

Though this has been obvious since 2009, we apparently cannot reiterate the point enough.

Larry Kudlow writes in Investor’s Business Daily:

… By siding with the radical greenies and standing against the Keystone pipeline, Obama has turned his back on the most traditional voting bloc in the Democratic Party: blue-collar, hard-hat workers.

Manufacturing workers. Construction workers. Truckers. Pipefitters. Plumbers. The Keystone opposition coming out of the White House is completely alienating all these people, the folks who work with their hands. And it’s these workers who have been decimated in the recession far more than any other group in the economy.

Manufacturing workers. Construction workers. Truckers. Pipefitters. Plumbers. The Keystone opposition coming out of the White House is completely alienating all these people, the folks who work with their hands. And it’s these workers who have been decimated in the recession far more than any other group in the economy.

David Barnett, head of the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters, told me on CNBC that unemployment is currently running at 20% to 25% in this blue-collar sector.

He has repeatedly lobbied the White House to allow the Keystone pipeline to go through, and he notes high environmental standards in the work his men do.

And yet even now, three years after the initial Keystone reviews began, the issue is still unresolved.

How can you have a jobs bill without putting blue-collar workers back to work? Answer: stubborn ideological insistence.

The Teamsters support the Keystone. So does the AFL-CIO. So do the machinists. And along with the plumbers and pipefitters, so does the Laborers’ International Union of North America.

And we’re not just talking about the 20,000 jobs that would accrue directly from the pipeline, but the secondary and tertiary jobs from a long supply chain that total well over 100,000…

Read Kudlow’s column.

2 thoughts on “Kudlow: Obama Policies Seem Calculated To Kill Jobs”

  1. How much you want to bet that these folks, spurned by the President, will overwhelmingly vote for him anyway, just cuz their pappy voted Dem and their Grandpappy voted Dem, …

  2. That is juist the point! PBO publicly stated that he does not want a return to self reliance. The more people that rely on the government dole the better things are. We just need to redistribute.

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