IBD: Obama’s Delay On Keystone Carries A Large Cost

“Growth or no growth? What’s a president to do?”

Investor’s Business Daily editorializes,

… Canada’s oil will go somewhere. The market demands it. If not to the U.S. Gulf Coast — as currently planned — the oil could easily flow west, where China will pick it up in tankers at a port in British Columbia.

The Canadian government has already instituted rigorous protections to ensure the area surrounding oil extraction points aren’t damaged. And the State Department recently concluded a wide-ranging study of Keystone and determined that there were no potential environmental effects from the pipeline requiring further investigation.

Shambling on Keystone might be smart politics — but there’s no good policy reason to delay approval. And there is a huge cost of delay, which can be captured in just four letters: J-O-B-S…

Read the IBD editorial.

4 thoughts on “IBD: Obama’s Delay On Keystone Carries A Large Cost”

  1. Strange thing, no matter what energy prices are doing now, SUV’s are still selling like “hot cakes”.

  2. Correction: The Canadians are smart to consider a pipeline to British Columbia for export to Asia. A vibrant economy means more jobs and a better life for Canadians. US Environmentalists’ opposition to the pipeline has nothing to do with environmental impact but rather to raise energy prices while reducing usage by Americans. Lest not forget that 26,000 Brits died in the winter of last year because of higher energy prices brought on by investments in solar and wind.

  3. Obama’s “do nothing” energy policy, is going to cost the health and welfare of Americans dearly. Rather than import cheap oil from Canada, Obama prefers to subsidize Brazilian oil ($2 billion in subsidies) and others so we can continue to import at Brent crude prices (higher priced than Texas crude prices) rather than cheaper oil from Canada.

    The Canadians are smart to consider a pipeline to British Columbia for export to Asia. A vibrant economy means more jobs and a better life for Canadians. US Environmentalists’ opposition to the pipeline has nothing to do with environmental impact but rather to raise energy prices while reducing usage by Americans. Lest not forget that 26,000 Brits died in the winter of last year because of higher energy prices brought

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