House year-end bill wastes year of hearings, effort

Game, set and match to Lisa Jackson.

Click here for the House year-end bill which addresses the Keystone XL pipeline (President has 60 days to decide or the pipeline is automatically approved) and blocks EPA on its boiler MACT rule (good), but does nothing on the rest of EPA overregulation (very bad), like the EPA train wreck.

If this is the best John Boehner can do, he ought to hand the reins over to someone else.

5 thoughts on “House year-end bill wastes year of hearings, effort”

  1. Michele Backman would be a good choice for Speaker of the House. Hopefully Boehner will be unemployed by the time Lisa Jackbootson is.

  2. Well if we work hard enough and get rid of Il Duce Obama, Jackson will be unemployed soon after and whatever myopic and decisions she makes can be overturned, with a lesson learned.

  3. Don’t know why this stated with a game,set, and match. The senate will never pass the thing as is.

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