Greenpeace: Facebook commits to clean energy future

The joke is on Greenpeace.

from a Greenpeace media release:

San Francisco, December 15, 2011 – Greenpeace and Facebook today announced that they will collaborate on the promotion of renewable energy, encourage major utilities to develop renewable energy generation, and develop programs that will enable Facebook users to save energy and engage their communities in clean energy decisions (1).

The news comes two years after Greenpeace launched its global Unfriend Coal Campaign (2, 3), enlisting 700,000 online activists (4) to call on Facebook to power its data centers with clean energy instead of coal (5). As a result of the announcement the campaign ends today.

“Greenpeace and Facebook will now work together to encourage major energy producers to move away from coal and instead invest in renewable energy. This move sets an example for the industry to follow,” said Tzeporah Berman, Co-director of Greenpeace’s International Climate and Energy Program. “This shift to clean, safe energy choices will help fight global warming and ensure a stronger economy and healthier communities.”

Facebook’s goal (1), announced today, is to power its operations, including its data centers, using clean and renewable energy. (6) The company will build on its leadership in energy efficiency through the Open Compute Project (7) to encourage other IT companies to power its operations with clean, renewable energy.

“Facebook looks forward to a day when our primary energy sources are clean and renewable, and we are working with Greenpeace and others to help bring that day closer,” said Marcy Scott Lynn of Facebook’s sustainability program. “As an important step, our datacenter siting policy now states a preference for access to clean and renewable energy. Another important step will be to work with Greenpeace to put the power of our platform to use for the environment. Greenpeace has been particularly effective using Facebook to spark environmental awareness and action, we are excited to work with them to explore new ways in which people can use Facebook to engage and connect on the range of energy issues that matter most to them – from their own energy efficiency to access to cleaner sources of energy.”

As part of the agreement, the social media giant will continue pursuing ongoing research into energy efficiency and the open sharing of that technology through the Open Compute Project, which Greenpeace will work to support. Facebook also plans to engage in dialogue with utility providers about the sources of energy that power their data centers.

“Facebook’s commitment to renewable energy raises the bar for other IT and cloud computing (8) companies such as Apple, IBM, Microsoft, and Twitter,” said Casey Harrell, Senior IT Analyst for Greenpeace International. ‘‘The Facebook campaign proved that people all over the world want their social networks powered by renewable energy, and not by coal. Greenpeace will continue to measure, report and campaign on the sector’s progress to green the cloud.”

Greenpeace and Facebook have also agreed to develop and promote experiences on Facebook that help people and organizations connect with ways to save energy and engage their communities in clean energy issues. Greenpeace makes extensive use of Facebook to engage its supporters in campaigns, and is the most ‘liked’ environmental nonprofit organization on Facebook (9).

Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organization that acts to change attitudes and behavior, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace.

Poor Greenpeace:

3 thoughts on “Greenpeace: Facebook commits to clean energy future”

  1. Greenpeace has never been peaceful…they are arm twisting thugs! do it or else is their motto…too bad facebook…I guess I need to let you go! Coal….all those people will be put out of work who help supply the coal to many. Not to mention the many who use it to warm their homes when nothing affordable is available. Freedom just got more scarce…Another job killing scheme from this administration…follow the money~ Shame on you all for falling for this lie that coal is harmful. Its organic & its safe! or demand would not be so high~

  2. “Facebook’s goal (1), announced today, is to power its operations, including its data centers, using clean and renewable energy.”

    They should also announce that they will only use non-subsidized clean and renewable energy. That way they will not cause their users to pay extra taxes to fund Facebook’s energy costs.

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