Flameout: GM offers to buy back Volts

That shouldn’t cost too much since only about 6,000 were sold.

The Associated Press reports:

General Motors will buy Chevrolet Volts back from any owner who is afraid the electric cars will catch fire, the company’s CEO said Thursday.

In an exclusive interview with The Associated Press, CEO Dan Akerson insisted that the cars are safe, but said the company will purchase the Volts because it wants to keep customers happy. Three fires have broken out in Volts after side-impact crash tests done by the federal government.

Akerson said that if necessary, GM will recall the more than 6,000 Volts now on the road in the U.S. and repair them once the company and federal safety regulators figure out what caused the fires.

“If we find that is the solution, we will retrofit every one of them,” Akerson said. “We’ll make it right.”


7 thoughts on “Flameout: GM offers to buy back Volts”

  1. When good old GM got caught sticking a Pontiac engine in all their vehicles the government had to force them to pay up for lost engines because oil filters were different. I’m surprised they have volunteered to buy back these electrical marvels of transportation that have been dictated by Obama. Maybe it is no longer a case of “What is good for GM is good for America”.

  2. If GM gives me my money back for buying a Volt, will I have to return the $7500 rebate from Uncle Sam and $5000 rebate from the generous, but foolish, State of Georgia? I am thinking of buying a Volt and make a quick $12,500. Governments so stupid to pay these rebates wouldn’t have a mechanism to check on returning the product for a refund.

  3. I read somewhere, that one “thought” was to use the charged cars as a reserve. The more, the merrier!

  4. I wonder if anyone ever calculated what the increase in spinning reserve would be if those idiots ever actually sold a million of those bad ideas? Thanks to the zero growth nutcases the national grid is in tough enough shape as it is without adding the demand of a million electric cars needed to be recharged on a daily basis. Assuming the overwhelming majority will be charged at night this take a big chunk out night time capacity surplus and impact negatively on maintenance and repairs. Less surplus means fewer plants can be pulled offline for repairs. The only solutions are to impose rationing or building more capacity. As spinning reserve is as it sounds, reserve generating capacity quickly available to plug in to the national grid, that leaves out coal, oil, solar or wind. Nuclear and natural gas are the only efficient, affordable, and reliable generators of reserve. Wait a minute, wasn’t the whole idea to use less fossil fuel and shut down all the nuclear plants? Oops, more liberal dogma that is beginning to smell like dogpooh!

  5. The Chevy Dolt… another case of the Law of Unintended Consequences jumping right up there and smacking the libs in the chops. I can’t wait for all the spin to make this a victory for [fill in the blank] by the LSM. Wait until the Japs and the Germans produce some really cool looking and highly viable models in the next year or so at a cost comparable to an ordinary hybrid. Oh yeah…. and not lose a billion are so doing it. Government Motors doing what it does so well – lose money.

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