Wednesday’s auction are for the first leases to be sold since the 2010 BP oil spill.
The enviros claim the Interior Department hasn’t taken into account the lessons of the 2010 BP Gulf spill.
Wednesday’s auction are for the first leases to be sold since the 2010 BP oil spill.
The enviros claim the Interior Department hasn’t taken into account the lessons of the 2010 BP Gulf spill.
Yes. And lets add court costs and attorney’s fees if the defendant wins.
There is a Federal law about restraint of trade. Somehow greenies are not for profit and can not be sued. Then not for profits should not have the right to sue for profit companies. Maybe the lawyers are fleecing. How about treble damages on the greenies for restraint of trade? The Federal law needs to be amended because of frivilous suits. Sue their britches off.