“The shutdown-averting budget bill will block federal light bulb efficiency standards, giving a win to House Republicans fighting the so-called ban on incandescent light bulbs,” reports Politico.
“The shutdown-averting budget bill will block federal light bulb efficiency standards, giving a win to House Republicans fighting the so-called ban on incandescent light bulbs,” reports Politico.
I would save approximately $8 per year if I were to keep all of my, mostly incandescent, lights off entirely. It’s the appliances that consume all my electricity.
Is there light at the end of the tunnel or are we one step closer to sanity? Incandescent light bulbs have become such a hot, political issue (unbelievable, as if Congress has nothing better to do) even though the merits of incandescent light bulbs are scientifically and environmentally obvious.
I would have been more excited if they dismantled the EPA, or the DOE, or both. But thanks for tossing us a few crumbs.
Have they seen the light(!) at last?