2012 defense budget props up biofuels industry

How does more-expensive fuel help shrink the defense budget?

Environment and Energy Daily reports that the $662 billion 2012 defense authorization bill sent to the president yesterday will prop up the biofuels industry:

The $662.4 billion defense bill Congress sent the president yesterday punctuated a rising concern on Capitol Hill that the military’s voracious appetite for energy is stressing shrinking defense budgets and opening up dangerous vulnerabilities for troops…

Meanwhile, the military’s sweeping effort to transition its fleets to biofuels got a boost in the final policy bill. The legislation authorizes funding for the Navy’s portion of an interagency effort to spur the advanced biofuels market using a special defense authority. It also takes a step toward authorizing the Defense Department to enter into long-term contracts for such fuels — something producers say is key to securing the capital to build large-scale refineries.

As we’ve pointed out before, the military is the customer of last resort for the green scam.

2 thoughts on “2012 defense budget props up biofuels industry”

  1. We live in the land of OZ. No other country in the world would create biofuels to supply expensive transportation fuels to it military when it has the world’s largest supply of petroleum. Every organization in the U. S. government is bending over to provide cheer for President Obama. Taxpayer’s be damned; full speed ahead with waste.

    We are probably talking about hundreds of billions per year. Did any of the Republican candidates for president complain about this waste in these numerous debates? Are all Republican candidates for president clueless or stupid? Most likely both.

    Did any Republican Congressman do anything to stop appropriating funds for these terrible projects? The country is on the road to bankruptcy with the greatest energy and agricultural assets in the world of any nation. Is it right the taxpayers are served so poorly by both political parties? America’s voters graze; they don’t eat. They are not given good informaion by the media, so they role over and get fed junk because they are too lazy to find out the facts on the Internet.

  2. The cost of the planned green carrier strike force is mind boggling. There isnt sufficient infrastructure to even meet the ethanol requirements and they are off working on an algae based pio-fuel plan to fuel an entire carrier battle gourp this next summer…..if the public only knew….

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