Greenland ice loss lifts bedrock, say researchers

“An unusually hot melting season in 2010 accelerated ice loss in southern Greenland by 100 billion tons – and large portions of the island’s bedrock rose an additional quarter of an inch in response.” Continue reading Greenland ice loss lifts bedrock, say researchers

DC: Gingrich’s environmental proposals include altering climate with giant mirrors

Gingrich suggested building “a large array of mirrors [that] could affect the earth’s climate, ” to extend farmers’ growing season. Continue reading DC: Gingrich’s environmental proposals include altering climate with giant mirrors

Gingrich Cosponsored 1989 Climate Change Bill With Pelosi

“Alongside Pelosi, several other pro-choice advocates sponsored the bill [which included population control measures], including John Conyers, Barbara Boxer, Barney Frank, and Chuck Schumer.” Continue reading Gingrich Cosponsored 1989 Climate Change Bill With Pelosi

WSJ’s Bussey: An Inevitable Keystone Pipeline

“Keystone XL, or a similar pipeline and set of worries, isn’t just inevitable. It’s something we should accept to prevent worse alternatives from coming to pass.” Continue reading WSJ’s Bussey: An Inevitable Keystone Pipeline

WSJ: More Ninth Circuit Mayhem

A ruling by the whacky Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals would allow enviros to shut down logging by requiring road stormwater run-off to be managed by logging-stopping permitting rather than logging-enabling “best practices.” Continue reading WSJ: More Ninth Circuit Mayhem