Renewable energy hostage-taking time

Stop the war against fossil fuels — or else.

Greenwire reports,

With just a month to go before it is set to expire, congressional supporters of a Treasury Department renewable energy grant program have started lobbying their colleagues to keep the effort alive for one more year.

Last year, an extension of the Treasury Department’s Section 1603 grant-in-lieu-of-tax-credit program was tucked into a mid-December tax deal after House and Senate leaders rallied around the effort. But this year, the program is facing a very different environment, energy insiders say, where government subsidy programs for renewable energy efforts have been tainted by the August collapse of the Solyndra solar energy company that received a half-billion dollars in loan guarantees through a Department of Energy program.

Some observers privately wonder if the Treasury program could become collateral damage as members of Congress and the White House worry about bringing up the specter of Solyndra.

At least one Republican proposal has already been floated to repeal a slew of subsidies including the 1603 program, which was originally created through the stimulus bill.

Next year an even bigger subsidy expires — the production tax credit for the wind and solar rentseekers.

While we oppose energy subsidies, if it “only” cost a few billion dollars to bring the Obama war against fossil fuels to an end, that would be money well spent.

Congressional Republicans should hold all renewable energy subsidies hostage until the anti-fossil fuel activities of the EPA are halted and the Keystone XL pipeline is approved.

6 thoughts on “Renewable energy hostage-taking time”

  1. No, G Taylor, not “fine with picking winners and losers” at all, just facing a political reality:

    While we oppose energy subsidies, if it “only” cost a few billion dollars to bring the Obama war against fossil fuels to an end, that would be money well spent.

  2. I am against subsidies and tax tricks for ANYONE. First off I can’t seem to find authorization anywhere in the US Constitution for this taking of one person’s money by force and giving it to another. It’s just not in there. Not even in the umbras and penumbras. It must stop.

  3. OK. So you are fine with the government picking winners and loosers as long as your ideas are followed? If we have to pay someone “find more fuel efficiency and alternative fuels that actually work, are cheap to produce” that seems to mean there is no money to be made in doing it because if there were then someone would be doing it. Yes?No? And ‘real scientists’ are not involved in solar and you know that solar will never pay for itself? How do you know if something actually works? And will be cheap to produce?

  4. I agree to holding any subsidies for energy efficiency that are solely for the purpose of continuing the deception of man made climate change which is a total and complete hoax. Instead of subsidies in technologies that are not efficient (i.e. wind power that does not contribute nearly as much as they are hyped) and expensive solar panels that will never pay for themselves, subsidies should be given to those real scientists that actually want to find more fuel efficiency and alternative fuels that actually work, are cheap to produce, and would return our independence of energy to us. As far as the EPA is concerned, defund it and put everyone that works there on the unemployment line and take away any of their retirement benefits.

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