William Ruckelshaus still bloviating; Millions still dying

The Center for Public Integrity asked William Ruckelshaus five questions. We would have added a sixth.

CPI interviewed Ruckleshaus essentially about why the EPA doesn’t crack down even harder on the air emissions of American industry.

As we explain in “100 Things You Should Know About DDT“, Ruckelshaus abused his position as EPA chief to ban the life-saving DDT to advance his personal green agenda. Many millions of Africans died as a result of the ban, which was exported around the world.

CPI should have asked Ruckelshaus whether he has any regrets about his lethal ban.

Since CPI didn’t, maybe we can…. at bill@madrona.com. Keep us posted on any response.

Read “100 Things You Should Know About DDT”.

Read the CPI interview of Ruckelshaus.

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