TransCanada, Nebraska strike Keystone deal; Obama still for delay

The politics of Keystone are moving against Obama.

Environment and Energy Daily reports,

The politically charged showdown over the Keystone XL oil pipeline took a dramatic turn yesterday, as the company behind the $7 billion Canada-to-U.S. link shifted its previous position and agreed to route it away from an ecologically sensitive area that had drawn high-level GOP criticism.

The compromise from Alberta-based TransCanada Corp., which until last week had opposed a push to reroute its 1,700-mile project away from the Nebraska Sandhills, was not directly billed as a bid to force the Obama administration’s hand after officials announced Thursday that they would put off a final decision on the pipeline until after the 2012 election.

Despite the compromise, Obama is trying to kill the pipeline by delay. According to the Washington Post:

“Nothing has changed in the process since Thursday’s announcement,” the State Department said after Pourbaix’s offer.

“Any new proposed routes will be subject to the thorough, rigorous and transparent review process we have undertaken throughout,” deputy spokesman Mark Toner said late Monday.

We predict the Keystone XL controversy will not end well for Obama or the greens.

One thought on “TransCanada, Nebraska strike Keystone deal; Obama still for delay”

  1. Reliable supply from a friendly neighbour through a supply route directly controlled over land or supply from countries half a world away where the religious zealots want to kill you and the supply route is over the oceans in tankers increasingly exposed to terrorism ?

    Seems like a no brainer to me – just like the easy cut in missions by burning gas instead of coal – but what would I know – I thought emission cuts were urgent so a reduction through gas is obviously going to achieve results faster than what is happening or likely to happen soon.

    That is if you believe the “consensus”.

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