Shocker — or maybe not: Megadroughts occured before industrialization

Tree rings strike a blow against climate alarmism.

From a University of Arizona media release:

Almost nine hundred years ago, in the mid-12th century, the southwestern U.S. was in the middle of a multi-decade megadrought. It was the most recent extended period of severe drought known for this region. But it was not the first.

The second century A.D. saw an extended dry period of more than 100 years characterized by a multi-decade drought lasting nearly 50 years, says a new study from scientists at the University of Arizona…

To develop their chronology, the researchers looked for indications of climate in the past in the growth rings of the oldest trees in the southern San Juan region. “We drove around and looked for old trees,” said Routson…

Read the rest of the media release.

2 thoughts on “Shocker — or maybe not: Megadroughts occured before industrialization”

  1. So, even though the 2 mega-drought periods highlighted in the media release were longer, and thus more severe in terms of impact to humans, than modern ones, and they occurred in the absence of elevated CO2, the blurb still ends with a warning that we have to expect worse now. Why can’t they simply report what they found, especially since CO2 does not appear to be prolonging drought now?

  2. We have known about the alto-thermal here in Colorado for years.
    That is why we find “Buffalo jumps” at 11000 feet

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