Junk Science War: Fracking Quakes and ‘Dirty Faces’

By Steve Milloy
November 17, 2011, PajamasMedia

Though I write to defend the natural gas industry from the junk science hurled at it and the drilling technique known as hydraulic fracturing (fracking), I do so with mixed emotions. Continue reading Junk Science War: Fracking Quakes and ‘Dirty Faces’

Obama ozone opt-out: ‘Worst thing’ a Democratic president ever did to greens

Was Obama’s delay of tighter ozone standards a “public rebuke” of EPA? Continue reading Obama ozone opt-out: ‘Worst thing’ a Democratic president ever did to greens

Debunked: Childhood obesity not linked with adult metabolic syndrome

“Little evidence was found to support the view that childhood obesity is an independent risk factor for adult blood lipid status, insulin levels, metabolic syndrome or type 2 diabetes.” Continue reading Debunked: Childhood obesity not linked with adult metabolic syndrome