Maryland’s Climate Plan: OK because the state is losing jobs anyway

Is there a butterfly net large enough to for the University of Maryland’s Center for Integrative Environmental Research (CIER)?

CEIR has reviewed the state of Maryland’s Climate Action Plan, which may be adopted next year, and concluded that it’s all sunshine and lollipops.

CEIR comments about CAP’s impact on jobs:

“We expect manufacturing in Maryland, and its economy as a whole, to be agile enough to make the necessary changes in technologies and business practices to absorb what has been portrayed as a policy-induced shock on the economy. At worst, the CAP will become an indistinguishable part of a larger and longer-term trend of declining manufacturing employment in the state. At best, the CAP will generate new business opportunities and jobs.”

That’s an argument Obama has yet to try — i.e., why worry about EPA over-regulation, the country’s goin’ to hell anyway.

One thought on “Maryland’s Climate Plan: OK because the state is losing jobs anyway”

  1. These folks are suicidally insane. I do not wish to join them in their rush off the cliff. BTW… when are the adults coming home?

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