LOL: Penn State prof to lecture on climate ethics at Durban

Too bad we missed this event.

Here’s an invitation from the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) Listserv:

Dear Attendees of COP-17:

On Tuesday, November 29th, in a seminar organized by Penn State University and the University of Washington on the ethical dimensions of climate change join us to look at two issues.

One, an ethical analysis of the climate change disinformation campaign. We will examine whether this is a new kind of crime against humanity?

Second, we will look at the piratical significance for negotiations in Durban if climate change is understood to create human rights violations.

Tuesday, November 29th, 1PM – 5PM,The University of Kwazulu-Natal,Howard College Campus Howard College Lecture Theater

Donald A. Brown
Associate Professor Environmental Ethics, Science, and Law,
Director, Collaborative Program on Ethical Dimensions of Climate Change, Rock Ethics Institute,
Penn State University
126 Willard,
University Park, Pa, 16802
717-802-1009 (cell); 814-865-3371 (office) [Emphasis added]

From Michael Mann to Jerry Sandusky, words fail us Dr. Brown.

5 thoughts on “LOL: Penn State prof to lecture on climate ethics at Durban”

  1. Is Penn State University not where there is a plaque in honour of that horrible, lying
    Rachel Carson, who corruptly claimed, that D.D.T. was not only a danger to Bald Eagles,
    but also causes cancer in humans in her 1962 book: “Silent Spring”? Even the U.S.
    EPA admitted to me last month, that the W.H.O. deems D.D.T. a “probable” cause of
    cancer in humans and while there has never been one proof of that false claim,
    allow approx. 1-1/2 million people in the poorer countries to die from malaria and
    typhus each year. Thus, since the ban in 1972, some 58 million people have died because
    of Rachel Carson’s lies and that proves, that both the EPA and the W.H.O. are guilty
    of genocide, as one does not always need weapons to massacre innocent people.
    Especially, since the majority of the victims are either foetuses still in their mothers’
    wombs or babies and small children. That University does not have any integrity.
    Nos Lapre from Sydney, Australia.

  2. This seems so far-fetched it is hard to believe this seminar is true. Pity the poor tax payers in PA paying their hard earned dollars for this nonsense. Or is this federal tax dollars?

    The few survivors from the Third Reich must be having a gleam in their eyes. We still have followers that want to destroy others because of their thoughts.

    Don’t laugh about these shenanigans. Australia has told businesses they will be fined if they advertize their new carbon tax will cause price increases.

  3. Let’s see…I wonder what they mean by “…climate change disinformation campaign…”? And just who are they suggesting might be guilty of ‘crimes against humanity’? I nominate Al Gore; exhibit A is his movie, and B is the judicial decision in England which found the film replete with ‘facts’ which were not supported by the scientific evidence, to the point that the judge said that the film would fall under the anti-propaganda laws if not accompanied by a document outlining the multiple falsehoods.

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