Hypocrisy: UK climate minister buys 16-bath castle

“We are not asking others to do things we will not do ourselves” says Charles Hendry.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2063488/Climate-Minister-buys-castle-16-bathrooms–massive-carbon-footprint.html#ixzz1eBWhauaW
The Daily Mail reports,

He is the climate change minister who pledged to ‘lead by example’ in the fight against global warming.

But Charles Hendry is facing accusations of hypocrisy after buying himself a 20-bedroom castle – with a potentially massive carbon footprint – as a second home.
Blair Castle in Ayrshire, which went on the market for £2.5million, has three storeys, 16 bathrooms and a heated outdoor swimming pool set in 260 acres of beautiful countryside…

In a speech last September, he said: ‘We have pledged to be the greenest government ever. We must lead by example. Leadership from government departments is something we cannot – and will not – shirk.

‘We are not asking others to do things we will not do ourselves.’

Labour MP John Robertson, who is on the Energy and Climate Change Committee, said last night: ‘This is totally out of touch. As a minister telling people to turn down their heating, this will spark fury. There are a lot of pensioners in my constituency who find it hard to heat one room, let alone 20 rooms.’

Read The Daily Mail article.

6 thoughts on “Hypocrisy: UK climate minister buys 16-bath castle”

  1. What hypocrisy? Your better is asking that YOU turn down YOUR heat. If you won’t, he’ll gladly do it for you!

  2. Australia’s Tim Flannery – the Government’s highly paid spruiker for climate change – recently bought a second waterfront property.

    Apparently he doesn’t see any problem with running around the country alarming everyone with, among other falsehoods, stories of rising sea levels drowning everything in site whilst purchasing waterfront properties.

    Hypocrisy from politicians and their advisers.

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