Gleick: The Rise and Fall of Climate Change Denial

Peter Gleick claims (laughably) that “deniers” have failed.

Gleick writes in Forbes,

Deniers won’t go away, though a measure of their diminished influence can be seen in their increasingly desperate ad hominem attacks on scientists rather than attacks on the science (see, for example, virulent personal attacks on IPCC scientists or individuals such as Drs. Michael Mann and James Hansen). But it is time for policymakers and the media to stop taking deniers seriously until they do what real scientists do: provide testable scientific theories, observations, or evidence that hasn’t already been decisively debunked and that proves to be better than the current theories and hypotheses at explaining what we see happening around us. Not only have deniers failed to do this, the evidence for human-caused climate change has continued to deepen and strengthen for decades. There’s no denying that.

We “deniers”, of course, do not have to explain weather events. All we need do is continue to point out that there is no scientific evidence that manmade emissions of carbon dioxide are causing “harm”.

2 thoughts on “Gleick: The Rise and Fall of Climate Change Denial”

  1. Mr Gleick has written ” the evidence for human-caused climate change has continued to deepen and strengthen for decades”. Will he (or can he) describe that evidence? So far no-one else has.

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