Electricity transmission gets political

Now the greens are trying to implement their anti-caol agenda through grid operators.

According to the Clean Energy Report,

A Northeastern transmission grid operator says a “safety valve” is unnecessary to prevent adverse reliability impacts from EPA’s utility air toxics rule and other regulations, and the organization will not endorse the measure that other operators say is necessary to keep the grid functioning smoothly.

Instead, New England’s Independent System Operator (ISO-NE) is pursuing a first-of-a-kind, market-based alternative to the safety valve idea. ISO-NE officials say the safety valve seems to be a policy tool for regions with coal assets that have not made the switch to gas…

ISO-NE, which some observers consider a progressive voice among ISOs and RTOs, has launched a “Strategic Planning Initiative” with regional stakeholders in order to respond to anticipated power plant retirements and reliability shortfalls from EPA rules.

The emerging ISO-NE plan seems to fly in the face of other system operators like the giant PJM Interconnection, which is pressing EPA to modify its air toxics rule to include a safety valve providing more time to accommodate for lost generation. ISO-NE officials say they do not oppose the safety valve, but see it as an unnecessary measure that does not fit New England’s market.

So let’s say the Northeast doesn’t need a safety valve, why not help regions that do? Or is the ISO-NE doing what it “progressively” can to force utilities out of coal and into gas?

Read “Exposed: EPA makes secret plans for electricity armageddon”.

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