Climategate 2.0: Snarking (Part 2) — Schellnhuber avenged!

Ed Cook evens things up for Hans Schellnhuber with Ray Bradley.

You need to read Snarking (Part 1) first.

From the Climategate 2.0 collection, Ed Cook takes a potshot at Ray Bradley in an e-mail to Keith Briffa:

… Bradley? Yeah, he has done fuck-all except for the Bradley/Jones decadal series, which he maintains has withstood the test of time. Typical posturing on his part.

The full e-mail exchange is below.
date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003 11:13:21 -0400
from: Edward Cook
subject: Re: forgot
to: Keith Briffa

Hi Keith,
Glad to hear you are enthusiastically interested. The stuff related
to low-frequency and RCS that you want to do with Tom and I is a bit
of an extention of what I want to do right now. I mainly want to do a
“state-of-the-art” comparison of existing recons to determine where
the greatest uncertainties currently lie. The work with Tom could
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build upon that very naturally because I am sure that the greatest
uncertainties lie in the multi-centennial band where tree-ring
standardization methods have the greatest impact.
>to say would prefer no involvement of Mann and Phil –
>and can you tell me what reconstruction Bradley did ever ? unless
>you mean the Bradley and Jones early decadal series?
I agree that Phil and Mike are best left out of this. Bradley? Yeah,
he has done fuck-all except for the Bradley/Jones decadal series,
which he maintains has withstood the test of time. Typical posturing
on his part.

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