Climategate 2.0: Mann seeks Revkin help against hokey stick critics

Everyone should have their own New York Times reporter.

From the Climategate 2.0 collection, as Mann et al. wordsmith their initial response to the McIntyre and McKitrick’s debunking of Mann’s hokey stick, Mann notes:

p.s. I’m trying to talk Andy Revkin at the New York Times into doing a story on this…

Read the full e-mail exchange.

+ Spinning in the wind at the UKMO +
Tel : +[44]-1344-856886 Fax: +[44]-1344-854898
cc: t.osborn@uea
date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 16:44:49 +0000
from: Tim Osborn
subject: M&M final preliminary response

I’m glad we have a final version at last. It’s getting late now but we
will do our best to get this out today.
(1) Mike will you circulate your response around “friends and allies” please.
(2) I’ve posted it on to a (currently unlinked) webpage. Only had time for
quick explanation of why its there. Could have done better with more time,
but… oh well. See:
(3) Keith is emailing Heike at Nature with it.
(4) We will jointly (also with Phil) circulate it to CLIMLIST SKEPTICS
ETC. here is our proposed note, but little time for editing I’m afraid.
“In response to the postings related to the McIntyre and McKitrick (Energy
and Environment, 14, 751-771, 2003) study of the Northern Hemisphere
temperature reconstruction previously published by Mann, Bradley and Hughes
(Nature, 392, 779-787, 1998; hereafter MBH98)…
We suggest that those interested in the claim made by McIntyre and
McKitrick (MM) should also read the initial response from Mann and his
It is plain that there are serious questions regarding the manner in which
MM have attempted to implement the Mann et al. method, and specific
problems with the selection of predictors. Amazingly, the journal “Energy
and Environment” that published the MM work, made no attempt to provide
Mann et al. with the opportunity to review the MM paper or establish the
details of the MM work.”
At 16:00 31/10/2003, Michael E. Mann wrote:
>Great Keith, Great!
>I’ve attached, then, the final version with the two additional “censors” I
>found changed. So lets make sure to use the attached pdf final version.
>Can we confirm the procedure now. As I understand it, you guys have an
>email already to go to all the various list serves to which we’ll attach
>the statement.
>As an alternative, can you also post our pdf file on the CRU website, so
>recipients have two ways to get to our statement, if they can’t read the
>attachment, etc.?
>Oh, and I don’t want to try to put any constraints on what you three want
>to write, but can Ray and I see that too before you send out, just to make
>sure everything seems fine?
>Thanks so much,
>At 03:38 PM 10/31/2003 +0000, Keith Briffa wrote:
>>Mike Ray Malcolm
>>I am happy with this now and feel it could go.
>>At 10:46 AM 10/31/03 -0500, Michael E. Mann wrote:
>>>oops–there is one “censored” that still has to be changed.
>>>Let me know if there are any additional comments and I’ll incorporporate
>>>into one last final version once I hear back.
>>>>Date: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 10:31:48 -0500
>>>>To: “raymond s. bradley” , Keith Briffa
>>>>, phil Jones

, tim Osborn
>>>>From: “Michael E. Mann”
>>>>Subject: Re: Malcolm just called READ THIS NOW
>>>>thanks a bunch ray,
>>>>Keith, Tim, (Phil?), what do you guys think now?
>>>>At 10:24 AM 10/31/2003 -0500, raymond s. bradley wrote:
>>>>>looks good to me…i think these final changes alleviate Malcolm’s
>>>>>concerns and adding his name will be ok with him
>>>>>At 10:15 AM 10/31/2003 -0500, you wrote:
>>>>>>All of Malcolm’s suggestions are right on target and in keeping w/
>>>>>>advice from people w/ a legal background I’ve talked to.
>>>>>>So all of those changes have been made.
>>>>>>Can you guys give this one final read through and just say if you
>>>>>>think this is now adequate for release. Sorry for the multiple
>>>>>>emails–its the nature of the beast…
>>>>>>p.s. I’m trying to talk Andy Revkin at the New York Times into doing
>>>>>>a story on this…
>>>>>>At 09:50 AM 10/31/2003 -0500, raymond s. bradley wrote:
>>>>>>>I just spoke to MKH (he’ll call you as soon as he can). I read him
>>>>>>>the latest version…
>>>>>>>He requests:
>>>>>>>1) changing word “censor” to “remove” throughout text;
>>>>>>>2) use phrase “appear to have” rather than definitive statements
>>>>>>>like “have” when refering to MM actions.
>>>>>>>3) Eliminate words “reputable scientific journal” (see my
>>>>>>>suggestion below that I was writing as he called…)
>>>>>>>He doesn’t want to be included unless these changes are made. If
>>>>>>>they are, he’s happy to sign on. He just wants to make it
>>>>>>>watertight so they can’t come back at us…
>>>>>>>I agree with these suggested changes.
>>>>>>>In the original version that I edited, the text read:
>>>>>>>Journals that receive critical comments on a previously published
>>>>>>>papers always provide the authors who are being criticized an
>>>>>>>opportunity to review the study prior to publication, and offer them
>>>>>>>the chance to respond. This is standard operating procedure in all
>>>>>>>peer-reviewed scientific journals. Mann and colleagues [We] were
>>>>>>>never given this opportunity.
>>>>>>>I think this is all that is needed on this matter….
>>>>>> Professor Michael E. Mann
>>>>>> Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall
>>>>>> University of Virginia
>>>>>> Charlottesville, VA 22903
>>>>>>e-mail: Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137
>>>>>Raymond S. Bradley
>>>>>Distinguished Professor
>>>>>Director, Climate System Research Center*
>>>>>Department of Geosciences
>>>>>Morrill Science Center
>>>>>611 North Pleasant Street
>>>>>AMHERST, MA 01003-9297
>>>>>Tel: 413-545-2120
>>>>>Fax: 413-545-1200
>>>>>*Climate System Research Center: 413-545-0659
>>>>>Paleoclimatology Book Web Site:
>>>> Professor Michael E. Mann
>>>> Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall
>>>> University of Virginia
>>>> Charlottesville, VA 22903
>>>>e-mail: Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137
>>> Professor Michael E. Mann
>>> Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall
>>> University of Virginia
>>> Charlottesville, VA 22903
>>>e-mail: Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137
>>Professor Keith Briffa,
>>Climatic Research Unit
>>University of East Anglia
>>Norwich, NR4 7TJ, U.K.
>>Phone: +44-1603-593909
>>Fax: +44-1603-507784
> Professor Michael E. Mann
> Department of Environmental Sciences, Clark Hall
> University of Virginia
> Charlottesville, VA 22903
>e-mail: Phone: (434) 924-7770 FAX: (434) 982-2137
Dr Timothy J Osborn
Climatic Research Unit
School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia
Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK
phone: +44 1603 592089
fax: +44 1603 507784

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