Climategate 2.0: Mann lives in a glass house, says Cook

Mann still throws stones, though.

From the Climategate 2.0 collection, Columbia University dendrologist Ed Cook tells Keith Briffa that Mann has little room to criticize others:

…I have taken a quick look at that deconstruction of [Mann/Bradley/Hughes hockey stick] paper by McIntyre and McKitrick. They claim to show a number of errors in the data Mike used. I know that you and Tim have worked with Mike’s data as well. Did you find the same things? I’m just curious.

I don’t plan on weighing in on this mess other than to suggest that Mike [Mann], Ray [Bradley], and Malcolm [Hughes] are living in glass houses when they criticize the [Jan] Esper work in the way they do. One needs to be very careful about criticizing the analyses of others because turn-around is fair play and payback is a bitch. That is all I have to say.


The full e-mail is below:

date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 08:50:31 -0500
from: Edward Cook
subject: NINO3 SST recon
to: Keith Briffa
Hi Keith,
Here is the Nino3 DJF SST recon back to 1408. I have attached the mean estimates
that are
online at NGDC. The mean is the average of several split early/late
calibration/verification runs with successively longer subsets of Tex-Mex chronologies.
plot below shows the way in which the mean was put together through overlay plots of
individual model recons. As you can see, there is a high degree of coherence between
estimates. The attached *.tabs file has all of the subset model estimates plus the mean
the actual data used for calibration/verification. So, you can look at the individual
subset model recons as well. All of the models verify very well, by the way. I probably
should have published this stuff years ago. I did it for Mark Cane.
I have taken a quick look at that deconstruction of the MBH paper by McIntyre and
McKitrick. They claim to show a number of errors in the data Mike used. I know that you
Tim have worked with Mike’s data as well. Did you find the same things? I’m just curious.
don’t plan on weighing in on this mess other than to suggest that Mike, Ray, and
are living in glass houses when they criticize the Esper work in the way they do. One
to be very careful about criticizing the analyses of others because turn-around is fair
play and payback is a bitch. That is all I have to say.

Dr. Edward R. Cook
Doherty Senior Scholar and
Director, Tree-Ring Laboratory
Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Palisades, New York 10964 USA
Phone: 845-365-8618
Fax: 845-365-8152

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