Climategate 2.0: Jones wants Nobel certificate suitable for framing

He’s also not too thrilled with Lord Monckton.

From the Climategate 2.0 collection, Phil Jones wants a copyh of the Gore/IPCC Nobel prize certificate for his office:

Just sent an email to Martin and also Renate suggesting that when Patchy [Pachauri] collects the prize in Oslo, IPCC gets it scanned and sent to all of us on AR4. We can then print it off, frame it and put it on a wall!

Read the full e-mail below.

[h/t/ Tom Nelson]

date: Mon, 15 Oct 2007 11:01:04 -0600 (MDT)
from: "Kevin Trenberth" <>
subject: Re: A couple of things
to: "Phil Jones" <>

Hi Phil
I am in DC at NRC mtg.
Poor reporting here too, even in Boulder.  MOst just mentioned Gore, not
IPCC.  Be nice to get a nice certificate.  Wonder where the $ will go?
>>  Kevin,
>         Just sent an email to Martin and also Renate suggesting that
> when Patchy
>   collects the prize in Oslo, IPCC gets it scanned and sent to all of us
> on
>   AR4. We can then print it off, frame it and put it on a wall!  They
> won't
>   get it for ages. It might be worth a few more of us suggesting
> something like this.
>        I know its for more than just AR4, but for all the Assessments, but
> they
>   will only have these recent email lists.
>         Secondly, next time you see Chris Landsea, maybe you can tell him
> he
>   opted out the prize!
>        All weekend op-ed pieces here were very begrudging in their praise
> for
>   Al Gore.  The award was for IPCC and Al Gore, which most also got wrong
> here.
>   Also, some said it was from Sweden and not Norway. Reporting was quite
> poor.
>      Finally, that idiot Lord Monckton or Brenchly, is making his own
> DVD, based
>   on that awful Ch 4 program 'The Great Global Warming Swindle' !
> Hopefully soon
>   Ofcom (the UK group who assesses complaints against programs) will have
> ruled
>   on that program - which had many more errors than Al's DVD.
>   Cheers
>   Phil
> Prof. Phil Jones
> Climatic Research Unit        Telephone +44 (0) 1603 592090
> School of Environmental Sciences    Fax +44 (0) 1603 507784
> University of East Anglia
> Norwich                          Email
> NR4 7TJ
> UK
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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