Chinese promise more accurate air pollution readings

An employee at the U.S. embassy once warned that the air quality in Beijing was “crazy bad”.

The Daily Telegraph (UK) reports,

… Zhang Lijun, China’s vice-minister of Environmental protection, said air quality in China is poor according to standards set by the World Health Organisation.
He conceded that Beijing relied on a “limited” system of pollution measurement.

Hua Lei, vice director of the city’s monitoring center, said to Xinhua, the state news agency. “We hope the new move can allay the public’s fears”…

Mr Zhang suggested that China would attempt to try to measure particulates in the atmosphere more accurately…

A number of Chinese celebrities suggested the government should adopt stricter pollution standards, including Pan Shiyi, a property developer who has seven million followers on Weibo, China’s version of Twitter.

If the Chinese need better celebrities, we can export ours.

Read The Daily Telegraph report.

Click to read “China: Clean air for elites a ‘blessing for the people’.

Click to read “China: ‘Time Is Not Ripe’ for Honest Air Pollution Readings.”

2 thoughts on “Chinese promise more accurate air pollution readings”

  1. After seeing Anthony Watts Surface Stations project, I would suspect that the Chinese have conveniently located their air pollution ,monitoring equipment inside air conditioned buildings.

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