Capps: Climate change causes asthma, allergies

Reps. Lois Capps (D-Calif.) and Ed Markey (D – Mass.) re-introduce part of the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill.

Environment and Energy Daily reports:

A House bill that calls for a national strategic plan to respond to the health effects of climate change will be reintroduced today.

Reps. Lois Capps (D-Calif.) and Ed Markey (D-Mass.) will introduce the “Climate Change Health Protection and Promotion Act,” which would require the secretary of Health and Human Services to put together a plan for health professionals to respond to the impacts of climate change on public health systems.

“One of the most troubling areas where climate change’s impact is immediately felt is in its negative effect on public health,” said Capps in a statement. “We see it every day in our families as more of our kids struggle with asthma and allergies“…

The bill was originally part of the ill-fated “American Clean Energy and Security Act” by Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) and Markey, which would have directed the secretary of HHS to put together a strategy for adapting to the public health effects of climate change. [Emphasis added]

Greenhouse gases aren’t allergens. Colder, not warmer, temps can trigger asthma. And as cap-and-trade is not expected to stop the Earth from revolving around the Sun, spring and fall (pollen seasons) aren’t going anywhere soon.

If the greens want to win, they’re going to have to find someone smarter than Lois Capps to carry the ball.

2 thoughts on “Capps: Climate change causes asthma, allergies”

  1. I spoke to Eric Cantor, the Majority Leader in the House, personnally at a local appearance a few months ago and he told me there was no way any CO2 regulation would pass in the House. This is just a grandstand ploy, not even Waxman is sponsoring it.

  2. “If the greens want to win, they’re going to have to find someone smarter than Lois Capps to carry the ball.”
    My observation is the dumber the claim, the more the left believes it.

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