Obama EPA air chief was Romney's 'green quarterback'

“Mitt Romney remains silent as Gina McCarthy, his “green quarterback” during his days in the Massachusetts Governor’s Mansion, steers President Barack Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency toward new regulations on energy,” reports Matthew Boyle.

Boyle writes in The Daily Caller that:

McCarthy served in Romney’s administration as undersecretary for policy at the Executive Office for Environmental Affairs. In addition to exercising oversight of Massachusetts farmlands, open spaces and forests, McCarthy created the state’s first “climate protection action plan.” National Journal labeled her Romney’s “green quarterback” in September.

Romney’s campaign wouldn’t comment on McCarthy’s EPA involvement.

So Gina McCarthy could simply stay on in a Romney EPA? Maybe he would even promote here to be administrator?

Will the real Mitt Romney please stand up?

3 thoughts on “Obama EPA air chief was Romney's 'green quarterback'”

  1. The only Green seen in the white house are the Green Dollar Bills being spend , as with a global deflation of the buck. There is no signs in the white house stating “the buck stops here”.

  2. Changing names in the White House in 2012 will not necessarily change anything. We need a change in direction.

  3. Mitt Romney is a typical two-faced sleazy politician whose best quality is that he is not Obama…

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