House GOP leadership: EPA curbed or no budget

Tough talk from a top House Republican about the last hope for curbing the Obama EPA.

Environment and Energy PM reports,

The chairman of the House subcommittee that funds U.S. EPA said he believes Congress will curb the agency’s regulatory authority when it passes a funding bill for fiscal 2012.

In addition, the inclusion of conservation riders in the Senate’s draft Interior Department-EPA appropriations bill makes a stronger case for the House to include its own policy provisions in a final funding bill, said Rep. Mike Simpson (R-Idaho).

“There will be EPA riders or there won’t be a bill,” he told E&ENews PM this afternoon.

Simpson said he has not taken a position on the language by Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) to mandate new wilderness and forest restoration in Montana.

But he said he was fairly certain the House would be standing firm on proposals to hamstring EPA’s ability to rein in pollutants.

It’s welcome talk. But we urge Simpson to walk the walk.

3 thoughts on “House GOP leadership: EPA curbed or no budget”

  1. The EPA must be eliminated. We must Quit Claiming all Fed land to the States in which it is located, to be overseen by State Law, period. More agencies to go by the wayside…… suggestions about them to follow


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