Google mapping project shows vast geothermal resources

We thought it wasn’t nice to poke holes Mother Gaia.

Climatewire reports,

Geothermal energy has made great technological gains in recent years, but for the practice to become a more viable source of clean energy, the field needs more research and more money. That’s where has stepped in.

To shed light on the geothermal potential in the Unites States, Southern Methodist University (SMU) launched a series of maps this week in a project funded by The maps, available online through Google Earth, found that the United States is capable of producing more than 3 million megawatts of clean energy from geothermal — 10 times more than the currently installed capacity of coal.

A couple points:

  • On the up side, between nuclear power and geothermal, the world will never run out of energy. So it doesn’t matter if, 15 generations from now, we have used up all accessible fossil fuel resources.
  • On the down side, just because geothermal has been mapped, does not mean that it can be developed — as Al Gore learned the hard way.

Click for the Google maps.

3 thoughts on “Google mapping project shows vast geothermal resources”

  1. unless….

    is there someting you arent saying???

    isnt the water hot?? does the hot water (heated from what…magma?) get reheated???

    did they lie when they stated “capable of producing” when they realy arent capable??

  2. “To shed light on the geothermal potential in the Unites States, Southern Methodist University (SMU) launched a series of maps this week in a project funded by The maps, available online through Google Earth, found that the United States is capable of producing…….”

    On the down side, just because geothermal has been mapped, does not mean that it can be developed …..

    why do they say the us is capable of producing from the maps then?

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