Enviros exploit children (again) in new attack ads

Ohio Congressman Steve Stivers voted to rein in the out-of-control EPA. The whack-jobs at Environment Ohio responded with this twisted TV ad which, to no one’s surprise, exploits children.

Click here for the ad.
Click here for Columbus Dispatch coverage of the ad.

Click here, here, and here for other green child exploitation ads run this year.

4 thoughts on “Enviros exploit children (again) in new attack ads”

  1. Au contraire. Ohio TV stations are refusing to air pro Issue 2 ads they claim are misleading. Kasich may try to get a court order to compel the stations.

  2. Rob, political speech cannot be censored or refused to be aired. Even if it is outright lies, a network cannot refuse a political advertisement any more than a city can refuse to allow the Ku Klux to march.

  3. Talk about emotional blackmail – do you not have a ‘broadcasting standards authority’ to whom an appeal against the airing of such emotional garbage could be made?

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