Cape Wind foiled by FAA error

The Kennedy campaign against “clean energy” continues.

From Climatewire:

A federal appeals court dealt a blow to the nation’s first federally permitted offshore wind farm Friday by vacating an earlier Federal Aviation Administration ruling in its favor.

The decision found that the FAA “misread its own regulations” when it concluded that Cape Wind’s proposed 130 turbines — which would stand taller than the Statue of Liberty off the shore of Cape Cod, Mass. — pose no hazard to aircraft in the area.

The ruling requires the FAA to reconsider its “no hazard” determination and specifically address agency rules requiring a 500-foot distance between an aircraft and any structure.

The court raised the question of whether weather could force flights to break that barrier by flowing low. It also questioned whether planes would have to be rerouted to avoid the 500-foot limit, creating aircraft congestion in the process…

The verdict is the latest blow to Cape Wind, which witnessed a denial of a federal loan guarantee earlier this year. The project also is looking for a buyer of half of its electricity, a dynamic that could decide whether the project gets built at full size or is able to attract sufficient financial investment.

Click for the Court decision.

One thought on “Cape Wind foiled by FAA error”

  1. I live in Mass, so I know the place is run by flim-flam men. (Three house speakers convicted and the President of the Senate was brother of a murderer on the 10 most wanted list. The FBI “couldn’t find him” because he was hiding in plain sight.)

    Early on, I thought Cape Wind should build their windmills just to annoy Kennedy’s Limousine Liberal contributors on Nantucket. When they announced that power from their bird killers is 2.5 times as expensive as Quebec Hydro power, I realized the that the project is just a rip off.

    With clean natural gas so abundant and cheap, this wind project is just another green extraction project. The green in the project is my money.

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