Abortion and breast cancer: Scientific and moral double standards

A New York Times op-ed today offers the chance to explore the liberal fallacy of “abortion is good, pollution is bad”.

Katie Stack complains in a disturbing op-ed that when she wanted an abortion she got “propagandized” instead about abortion causing breast cancer and mental health problems. But if liberals insist on imposing junk epidemiology on the rest of us, is it too much to ask that they endure it as well?

Weak association epidemiology, which has been used to falsely claim that everything from secondhand smoke to air pollution to you-name-it causes every health problem under the sun, also associates abortion with increased incidence of breast cancer and mental health problems.

But the political correctness of abortion has excused it (See e.g., this National Cancer Institute “explanation”) from the same sort of junk science used to convict the less politically correct.

But what is really disturbing about Ms. Stack’s piece is this:

Two years ago, as a junior in college with ambitious career goals, I knew that continuing the pregnancy wasn’t an option for me. I called the local Planned Parenthood and made an appointment for an abortion for a week and a half later.

Aside from Ms. Stack’s “ambitious career goals” having so far amounted to being a “graduate student in gender and women’s study’s at Minnesota State”, it’s worth noting that for all the liberal hysteria about children allegedly losing an insignificant IQ point or two to wealth-and-health-creating industrial emissions, it is apparently quite acceptable to liberals to wantonly execute children in the name of personal convenience.

Maybe the reason that epidemiology doesn’t link abortion with subsequent mental problems, as Ms. Stack asserts, is because the mental problems are pre-existing conditions?

5 thoughts on “Abortion and breast cancer: Scientific and moral double standards”

  1. Be careful, gentlemen, we need to keep the focus on science. Liberal-bashing might be entertaining, but it’s only going to drive away those that we need to attract, which are middle-grounders and liberals that are willing to think. Liberalism is most certainly not a mental disorder. Extremes on both sides may have quite a bit of naivety, and those currently in power appear greatly confused. However, calling someone who disagrees with you insane is patently unreasonable.

    Back on topic, I agree with Mr. Milloy. I would be extremely surprised if there was NOT a strong association of depression with abortion. It comes with the territory of high-consequence decisions that cost lives. There is probably a reverse effect as well, that the depressed doubt their ability to care for a child and thus are more willing to have abortions. However, I doubt we could prove causality very well.

  2. Touche, Mr. Milloy! Or, as Dr. Michael Savage puts it, “Liberalism is a Mental Disorder”.

    The unmitigated narcissism behind the wildly upside down “logic” from this murderer/baby killer/terrorist is almost head exploding.

  3. Between the violence of the procedure and the consequences it entails, if there’s not some PTSD from abortion, I’ll eat my hat.

  4. While there may be a connection between abortion and mental health problems, what is not known is the causality. That is, do abortions cause mental health problems or is it crazy women who tend to have abortions?

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