WashPost dumps on subsidized electric cars again

… at least the expensive ones.

In an editorial critical of Democrats and Republicans for subsidizing pricey electric vehicles, the Washington Post observes,

From the beginning, we’ve doubted the wisdom of federal investment in expensive electric cars. Not the least of our concerns was how the modest projected energy savings could justify taxpayer support for a product that people of ordinary means cannot hope to own. Nothing we have seen lately diminishes those doubts.

There’s no link for this editorial. While it appears in the print edition of the Post, it is not yet online.

10 thoughts on “WashPost dumps on subsidized electric cars again”

  1. Isn’t it interesting, The government forces drug companies to spend hundreds of millions of dollars of their own money to bring a drug to market… but allows car companies to use drivers as their guinea pigs… and we get to pay for their experiments!
    Don’t get me wrong here, I applaud the attempts to provide us with an alternate fuel source, just don’t see the benefit of having us pay for (think subsidies) what is currently a far more expensive fuel type. We then get to pay for it again when we use it.

  2. Who can afford an electric car…and the solar panels to power it, please? Who can afford this stuff, because I want your job.

  3. If the volt is such a great car, why are people staying away from it in droves? What was their sales total in July… something like 129 Volts sold in all 50 states?

  4. Gee. Paul,.. I guess somehow, power stations that run on petroleum based fuel (think west coast), are able to separate out the foreign oil and only use locally produced fuel? And just how good for the environment will those batteries be when they have to be dumped? My personal view on the Leaf and the extremely unpopular Volt “That’s it? This is the best you can do? Wow! I get to help pay so someone can buy an expensive vehicle that (in the case of the Leaf) can only go 50 – 60 miles and then needs a 12 to 24 hour period to recharge! Would you buy one if you had to pay the full price?… I think not!

  5. Sorry Phredd, but you are wrong. These cars, the LEAF and Volt, are very good cars, much faster than most and quiet too. The importnat thing is that they don’t pollute our environment, nor do they use foreign energy to run. I drive my LEAF on kWh I generate from the sunlight falling on my roof. I don’t send any money out of the country to foreign countries, and especially to the Saudis who fund the terrorists who kill our soldiers.

  6. Have you even driven this car? I have and it’s a terrific car. It was name the American car of the year for a reason. You people who hate EVs are a weird bunch. I hope you are willing to join the military and fight for your oil. Or maybe you’re the kind who lets others die so you can have cheap gas.

  7. About thirty years ago, while working in Portland, Oregon, a company provided a fleet of small electric cars to the elected officials in Vancouver Wash. for about three months. No one much liked them and one of the officials later admitted that even Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River wouldn’t be big enough to power the things if most of the citizens of the city of Vavcouver had electric cars.
    Such cars are truly a pig in a poke.

  8. Good luck, America in ever convincing DC’s self-anointing, self-appointing and self-perpetuating elitist oligarchy and its mandarins and their inner and outer courts and layers of courtiers, subordinates, sycophants and parasites — and their agencies’, bureaus’, secretariats’ and departments’ increasingly more numerous and heavily armed jack-booted thugs — that they are not our owners and we are not their colonies, for the raping, looting and pillaging.

    And our confiscated wealth and that of our as-yet-unborn great-grand-children, theirs for the squandering upon whatever delusional fantasies they and their as-corrupt cohorts and cronies convince one-another are worthy of our wealth.

  9. An upscale golf cart is a far better deal… and affordable to people of “ordinary means.” Street legal except for highways.

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