Plants may store much more carbon

A new study in Nature says that the global uptake of carbon by land plants may be up to 45 per cent more than previously thought.

From the media release:

Instead of 120 petagrams of carbon, the annual global vegetation uptake probably lies between 150 and 175 petagrams of carbon. This value is a kind of gross national product for land plants and indicates how productive the biosphere of the Earth is. The reworking of this so-called global primary productivity would have significant consequences for the coupled carbon cycle-climate model used in climate research to predict future climate change.

For how this could affect global warming alarmism, check out the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment Report on Coupled Climate-Carbon Cycle Projections.

3 thoughts on “Plants may store much more carbon”

  1. I think it is clear that all these plants that are storing to much carbon should be destroyed. 1st of all these plants are confounding our best scientific CONSENSUS of opinion on how much carbon is storied, and they must be right wing and raciest on the face of it. Carbon after all will destroy the earth as we know it and is a components of Co2. Bad, bad, bad.

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