Juliet Eilperin propagandizes on ozone rule withdrawal

Unbiased reporting seems still to be a mysterious concept to Washington Post reporter Juliet Eilperin.

In Eilperin‘s coverage of today’s withdrawal of the ozone rule by the Obama administration, the only quote she managed to produce for the first (10:40am) published version of her article was the following:

“It’s unfortunate that the administration is siding with big oil over the health of children, seniors, and the infirm,” said Daniel J. Weiss of the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank.

The Center of American Progress, of course, is where Eilperin’s husband (Andrew Light) works with the quoted-Weiss on climate issues. It must have been a tough quote to get.

While Eilperin did add other quotes for the 12:40pm version of her article, she continues to omit disclosing that her husband is a colleague of Weiss. Also, Eilperin apparently made no effort to balance Weiss’ comment with an opposing view on the underlying public health issues.

5 thoughts on “Juliet Eilperin propagandizes on ozone rule withdrawal”

  1. ““It’s unfortunate that the administration is siding with big oil over the health of children, seniors, and the infirm” I’m starting to think I’m a cold-hearted witch. I’m getting so tired of hearing things like this that I’m questioning whether or not I really care about children, seniors..insert emotional-response inducing group of choice here. And oh! big bad Big Oil!! The cause of all our woes!!

  2. The only “unfortunate” aspect of Ms Eilperin’s ‘coverage’ and the WaPo’s seeming attitude is their total contempt for the intelligence of their readers.

    Or, maybe, they got it just exactly correct, and their readers typically cannot seperate ideology from reality.

  3. Another self proclaimed Rocket scientist. Now we are waiting for the bastion of liberal journalism, the NYT, to chime in with a handwringing opinion.

  4. Just about everything from the Wa Po is biased to the extreme left. You should never be surprised by their liberal slant on all of their “reporting” of news.

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