How EPA lied to Congress about the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule

“It has become fashionable for opponents to disagree on even simple facts, but there shouldn’t be room for debate on the deadline for a new air pollution rule,” writes Mitchell Schnurman of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Continue reading How EPA lied to Congress about the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule

Shocker: Nobel prize winner lied about radiation danger; Data suppression abetted rise of linear no-threshold model

Nobel prize winner Hermann Muller knowingly lied when he claimed in 1946 that there is no safe level of radiation exposure, a new study asserts. Continue reading Shocker: Nobel prize winner lied about radiation danger; Data suppression abetted rise of linear no-threshold model

Dems willing to shutdown government over DOE loan program?

Apparently tone-deaf to the $535 million Solyndra debacle, House Democrats are looking to defend Department of Energy loan programs at the peril of a government shutdown. Continue reading Dems willing to shutdown government over DOE loan program?

First Solar won't need subsidies by 2016?

First Solar claims its solar energy technology will be competitive with fossil fuels without government subsidies by 2016, reports Bloomberg. We suppose “competitive” ought to be circumscribed with the qualifier “at least for a few hours on sunny days.”