American Lung Association says 'more will die' but refuses to provide proof

In an effort to support the job- and economy-killing agenda of its benefactor, the American Lung Association (ALA) claimed today that the EPA’s decision to delay its tightening of the ozone standard will kill and sicken more Americans.

As reported by Politico, ALA chief Charles Connor said,

“This untenable delay means more will get sick and more will die. There is no possible acceptable excuse for this decision.”

On July 12, sent Connor a letter requesting documentation for such claims. The day before, we e-mailed the ALA’s top lobbyist, Paul Billings, the same question.

We are still waiting for a response.

3 thoughts on “American Lung Association says 'more will die' but refuses to provide proof”

  1. Aren’t those the same clowns that ran advertisements in California claiming that repealing the state ban on CO2 would cause acute respiratory distress in children?

    They have as much credibility as Algore or the Brady bunch.

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