GOP Senator loses mind; Teams with Boxer on 'disease cluster' bill

In an appalling move, Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) has co-sponsored a bill with Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Loopyville) to have the EPA study so-called “disease clusters.” Continue reading GOP Senator loses mind; Teams with Boxer on 'disease cluster' bill

AEP: New EPA power plant rules to raise electricity rates up to 35%

American Electric Power (AEP), one of the largest electric utility companies in the U.S., took bold aim (for a utility, that is) at the EPA’s impending rules for electric utility emissions:

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed several new rules that will significantly increase the cost of electricity for AEP customers. AEP supports improving the environment by reducing power plant emissions, but believes that the nation can achieve the exact same air and water quality standards at much less expense.

Click to read AEP’s release.

Click to read “EPA’s Clean Air Act: Pretending air pollution is worse than it is”, the report on why these rules will produce no public health benefits.

Dead bodies demand organic food moratorium

From Dave Mastio, deputy editorial page editor of the Washington Times:

Right now, someone nearby is buying organic bean sprouts. It may be the last thing he ever does. Last week’s E. coli outbreak in Germany — potentially traced to an organic farm — was more deadly than the largest nuclear disaster of the last quarter-century.

Indeed, in the past two years, two public safety stories have dominated global news headlines – an explosion and oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and a nuclear power plant meltdown in Japan. Yet in the recent German organic-food-disease outbreak, nearly twice as many people already have died as in the two other industrial disasters combined…

Click here to read the full column.