Obama: No cap-and-trade? Then no drilling!

President Obama’s reversal yesterday on offshore drilling should surprise no one.

When he announced plans for more drilling last March, President Obama was really offering it as a carrot to get the oil industry to sign on to cap-and-trade. That gambit failed. Cap-and-trade is dead and so now is his offer of more offshore drilling.

The administration’s reference to the Gulf oil spill as a reason for the reversal is simple camouflage for the withdrawal of an offer that was never sincere in the first place.

On balance, President Obama is the loser. Cap-and-trade is dead forever, while offshore drilling opportunities could expand as early as January 20, 2013.

2 thoughts on “Obama: No cap-and-trade? Then no drilling!”

  1. Great! He’s given too much to the righties already. Enough is enough. Get angry Mr. President and let’s kick these nut jobs out of the House!

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