JunkScience to Al Gore: En garde!

WASHINGTON, Nov. 22, 2010 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — JunkScience.com today launched the web site GoreFacts.com as a response to KochIndustriesFacts.com, Al Gore’s attack on Koch Industries for opposing climate alarmism.

“I think Al Gore may come to regret his desperate and juvenile attack on Koch Industries,” said JunkScience.com publisher Steve Milloy. “Gore has now inspired us to accumulate documented facts about Gore and to present them to the public in a single web site dedicated to spotlighting Gore’s habitual hypocrisy, dishonesty and creepiness.” Milloy added.

The Gore attack on Koch Industries is just the opening salvo in what Milloy expects to be an ugly campaign of personal attacks that Gore and other anti-fossil fuel activists and business interests seem likely to run over the next two years.

“Media reports indicate that environmental activists will be working to make political gains in the 2012 elections so that they can get their agenda back on track in 2013,” Milloy observed. “Between now and the 2012 elections, I expect that Al Gore and his allies will conduct a slash-and-burn attack campaign against their opponents,” said Milloy.

But as the defeat of cap-and-trade indicates, Milloy and his allies are up to the challenge.

“In early 2009, conventional wisdom was that cap-and-trade was a done deal,” said Milloy. “But hard work by skeptics, along with a lousy economy, the rise of tea parties and the Climategate expose, ultimately drove a stake through junk science-fueled and economy-killing cap-and-trade,” noted Milloy.

Surprisingly, Milloy credits environmentalists with helping to defeat their own agenda.

“Al Gore is one of the most polarizing personalities in American politics and it was always a mystery why the environmental movement allowed Gore to co-opt their Marxist-socialist movement so he could to advance his personal profiteering – but it made arguing the skeptics’ position much easier and we thank them for it,” Milloy added.

One of the facts on GoreFacts.com is Al Gore’s braggadocio that poets will be singing his praises 1,000 years from now.

“Meantime, the rest of us can look forward to the next two years of hilarious Gore gaffs. If the greens are lucky, maybe the they’ll get their agenda back on track in a thousand years,” Milloy concluded.

Steve Milloy is the publisher of JunkScience.com and author of Green Hell: How Environmentalists Plan to Control Your Life and What You Can Do to Stop Them (Regnery 2009).