Missing global warming alarmist Al Gore was captured today in a pre-dawn raid on his remote tropical island hideout.
The former vice president had been missing since the Copenhagen global warming conference last December, when he erroneously dismissed the Climategate scandal as having to do with e-mails that were 10 years old.
Since Gore was last seen in public, Climategate has been followed by glacier-gate, rainforest-gate, sea-level gate, the resignation of UN climate chief Yvo de Boer, revelations of IPCC chief Rajendra Pachauri’s financial conflicts-of-interest and admissions by Climategate’s Phil Jones of no global warming since 1995 and the existence of a possibly warmer-than-now Medieval Warm Period.
The exclusive images below show an emaciated Al Gore, badly in need of a haircut.

Gore’s capture was eerily reminiscent of the capture of Imperial Japanese Army Sgt. Shoichi Yokoi, who hid in the jungle for 28 years after the 1944 Battle of Guam.

Echoing Sgt. Yokoi’s famous comment upon his return to Japan in 1972, Gore told his capturers that,
“It is with much embarrassment that I have returned alive.”
Like Sgt. Yokoi, Gore apparently knew that the war was over, but he was too humiliated by defeat to be seen in public.
Sgt. Yokoi became a popular television personality upon his return to Japan and an advocate of austere living. There was no immediate word from Al Gore on whether he planned to follow Sgt. Yokoi’s footsteps in austerity, say, by giving up his Nashville estate (with an indoor swimming pool that costs $600 per month to heat), houseboat, frequent private jet and limousine travel, and lucrative business dealings with the Kleiner Perkins venture capital firm, Generation Investment Management, Google, Apple and Current TV.
But since Gore didn’t much care about his own carbon footprint during those pre-Climategate fanatasy days when “the science was settled and the debate was over,” there’s even less point now in sweating his green hypocrisy.