Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said at the COP-15 conference in Copenhagen (Dec. 17) that Iran supports strengthening the Kyoto Protocol’s cap-and-trade scheme.

Hugo Chavez said at the COP-15 conference in Copenhagen (Dec. 17) that his motto was to “respect and enhance” the Kyoto protocol and that capitalism is the “road to hell.”

Robert Mugabe said at the COP-15 Copenhagen conference that Zimbabwe “stands by” the Kyoto Protocol and that, by not acceding to it, the U.S. is “undermining the rule of global law.”

Fidel Castro has repeatedly criticized the U.S. for not ratifying the Kyoto Protocol.

Rep. Vic Snyder was the only Arkansas congressman to vote in favor of the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill last June.
He is apparently the only Arkansas congressman who doesn’t want to be re-elected in November.
Stay tuned for more “Look who’s for cap-and-trade…”
Yes, all these characters support the Kyoto protocol. Looks like you “forgot” to mention that out of 195 countries in the world, the United States is the ONLY country that has no intention of ratifying the protocol. Here’s a few of the groups that are undecided, but LIKE the US, have not ratified the protocol.
Palestinian Authority
Wow, looks like several “terrorist” groups, have not ratified the protocol. Using your logic, I guess I could take some of these countries out of context and imply all sorts of negative things about the US position.
Among the 182 or so countries that HAVE signed on: UK, Israel, Australia.
Notice I’m not arguing whether or not we should ratify Kyoto. I am pointing out how scary pictures of dictators are being taken out of context and used to create an extraordinarily distorted, ideologically driven picture of reality.
By all means, keep us posted as to who the Cap and Traitors are.
Funny stuff.
And its true! The best humor is genuine.
Big Al and his pals.
You can just hear the sleeze saying “Why, yes… I do think the Evil United States owes us all a big climate debt. Of course, we can’t be sure how bad global warming will be, but several trillion is without question a good start…”
Primordial slime is too good an adjective for these bums. Primordial toxic waste is more like it!
Ha Ha Ha! Love your post!